Dental Treatment Information
Please see below our information pages covering factors you should consider when deciding on your dental treatment.
If the information you seek is not answered below then please feel free to contact us.

Dental Emergencies
If you have any kind of dental emergency, get in contact with us for treatment as soon as possible. We are experienced dentists who can deal quickly and efficiently with any kind of dental problem.

Choosing Crowns or Bridges
If you need a crown or bridge, we can help. There is a huge variety of options available, but we have the experience and expertise to work to your requirements. Using state-of-the-art computer scanning technology we match the crown exactly to you. Read on for more information.

Choosing Dentures
Getting dentures right is essential. We have seen many patients who have suffered at the hands of others dentists when they have been fitted with incorrect dentures. There is a wide range of materials and designs available to suit you. Please read on for more details.

Choosing Tooth Whitening
Did you know that there are different kinds of tooth whitening available? With more than 20 years of experience, we can provide you with everything you need to know on either home teeth whitening or in-surgery whitening. Here you can find more information on which procedure is best suited to your requirements.

Having a Dental Implant
A dental implant can be one of the most effective long-term solutions for a missing tooth. They are the closest thing to a natural tooth and function in exactly the same way. We use high-quality Straumann implants and have many years of experience carrying out the procedure. For more information on having a dental implant, please read on.

Nervous?… Don’t Worry
We understand that many people are nervous about visiting the dentist. With Dental Healthcare Practice there is no need to worry. We specialise in gentle dentistry and have years of experience in treating patients who were apprehensive about visiting. Please read on for more details on how we can help if you’re worried about dental treatment.

Dental Insurance
Choosing the right dental insurance is vital to get the best in terms of both value for money and peace of mind. We offer two insurance plans to cover you in the event of any dental procedures you might require.

Useful Links
The links above include information on smoking as well and the general dental council.